SHUNKAPETA PRACTICES ALL THE SAFETY RULES ON THIS PAGE AND HAS AN EXCELLENT SAFETY RECORD WITH REFERENCES AVAILABLE. If your entertaining the idea of having a fire performance at your next event be aware of the DANGERS included and Don't settle for second best. TOO many of the "fire performers" in the S.Flordia area either have Little expierience , or practice little to no safety. Often both. BEFORE HIRING A FIRE ACT , WE RECOMMEND YOU VERIFY THEIR LEVEL OF SAFETY IN PRINT. THE WELL BEING OF YOU GUESTS, AND ESTABLISHMENT DEPENDS ON IT .
With Fire entertainment there are safety requirments that must be met in order to avoid any complications. FIRE IS NOT A TOY! Fire is a living, breathing,consuming element, capable of growing at an enormous rate, and capable of attacking. The most dangerous thing about fire... A small, controlled flame can , in an instant, spread into an out of control, destructive fire. By its very nature fire handling will always be dangerous, but with the proper preparedness and precaution these dangers can be kept to a minimum.
FIRE PERFORMERS: You are ultimately responsible. If it doesnt feel right, DONT DO IT! REQUIRMENTS FOR FIRE HANDLING: * must be well trained in the implement(s) to be used. * Implement(s) should be rehearsed dry (unlit) in the area to be used. * Must be sober * Must be properly attired:absolutley no synthetic materials, esp. rayon. Vinyl has a high flash point and is usable around small firebut should be avoided around intense flames. Stick to natural fibers like leather, wool, or cotton. Frilly or dangly costumes should be avoided. * Long or fake hair must be wet down. * Give yourself the necessary time to get centered and rested.
*Fire performers must be given a reasonable amount of time to properly prepare themselves both in mind, and body before any beginning of their set.
* There should be a safety person per fire performer, as well as effective amount of crowd control personnel.